I don't know about you, but when it came to understanding vulva and vagina pleasure, I could not find a complete guide anywhere. The information often felt fragmented and danced around the logistics in a way that left me frustrated and sometimes more confused than when I began. So, I took matters into my own hands and decided to create the ultimate guide for vulva pleasure. After countless hours of research and experimentation here is what I learned:
The Vulva
The vulva, which is the correct name for the external genitalia, is an extraordinary landscape of pleasure. Made up of erectile tissue, nerve endings, engorging fluids, glands and the clitoris, it is designed for extremely good feels. The clitoris alone has over 10,000 nerve endings, making it the true powerhouse of sensation and the ONLY organ that has no other purpose than to feel good. The vulva is home to a network of pleasure zones and here is how to best explore them..

Mons Pubis
Also known as the “Mountain of Venus”, the mons pubis is the fatty pad located above the vulva sitting on the pubic bones. This area is often overlooked but can offer tons of good sensations. Massaging this area or simply dragging your finger in this zone can create the perfect build up for what is to come. Also, this area boasts pubic hair, which should not be ignored as each shaft connects to a nerve ending.
Now let’s move down to the labia. There are two sets, the outer or majora and the inner or minora. If you explore them it is easy to tell that the outer labia are more similar to the skin of the surrounding area and often have pubes, while the inner labia tend to be a different shade of skin color and have a different texture. Play with the outer labia like you might the mons pubis, massage the area, gently pull on the hair and run your fingers up and down them. Enjoy the inner labia by adding lubrication to massage, stroke, tap or suck.
Welcome to the star of the show for most vulva owners. The clitoris is unparalleled with its sensitivity. It responds eagerly to touch, but it often requires patiences and consistency. Many people enjoy a light touch of this in the beginning, focusing on the areas around it and swiping across it from time to time. Build up the tension until the clitoris is fully engorged, yes just like the penis it too becomes engorged with blood. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to 45 minutes depending on the type of foreplay. Once it is warmed up, and you can figure this out by speaking with your partner, touch it rhythmically in circles, taps, or massages.
The vagina is the canal that connects the vulva to the uterus. Most people have been taught that this is the only place for pleasure, while that is untrue, when approached correctly it can lead to feelings of ecstasy for some! When aroused the vaginal canal grows (in depth) from around 2-4 inches to 4-8 inches. This extra depth allows for the cervix to move back in order to enjoy painless penetration. Once it has reached its full arousal it is ready to be touched. Massaging the fingers in and out of the canal is the best way to help your partner enjoy it.
Want to learn more? Check out the guide and learn all of the inner workings of the vulva and create orgasmic pleasure. With extra tips on lubrication, how to communicate and vulva worshiping practices, I promise you’ll become a master at your craft.